Sunday, February 8, 2009


The stifling of Christianity in America is reaching a critical point for Christians all over the world. There is a new, solid, bold, concerted campaign by atheists to abolish Christianity, not only in America, but all over the world. We, as Christians, have a responsibility to God to do what we can to win the fight to keep Christianity and the freedom to worchip God alive in America and the world. I created this blog to do what I can to fulfill that responsibility.

I'm a Christian and; I'm a republican. God comes before my country, in my life, and my country comes before my Republican Party. I would vote for a democrat in a New York minute if I felt that he or she put the interest and well-being of America before his party, and his republican opponent put his party before our country.

Read the following:

Anti-faith language remains in stimulus package
Charlie Butts - OneNewsNow - 2/7/2009 4:15:00 AM
var addthis_pub = 'onenewsnow';

The U.S. Senate has taken action that could mean a legal battle royal over the stimulus bill.

The Senate rejected an amendment offered by Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) that would have stripped language from the stimulus bill that would force colleges and universities to throw religious clubs off campus if the schools receive federal funds. (Go to to read the entire article.)

Do you become angered by news like that? I do! But we do nothing about it. Well, this blog is about taking action against anything or anyone who threatens Christianity in America. For example: I am going to contact Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) to offer my support and appreciation for offering an amendment to protect the right of colleges and universities to maintain religious clubs on campus if their schools accept federal funds through the highly debated and highly controversial stimulus bill proposed by Barack Obama and Senate democrats

I propose ten principles, or rules of action, for every Christian who wants to take action against, instead of just talking about, threats to Christianity. They are as follows:


(1) Stay informed in matters that may affect or threaten freedom of religion in America.
(2) Contact your friends and neighbors concerning matters that may threaten freedom of
religion in America.
(3) Support your senators and members of congress with appreciation for their work to
further freedom of religion in America, by writing to them or sending them e-mail.
(4) Know who the senators and members of congress are in your state and your district.
(5) Assure your senators and members of congress that they no longer have your support
when they initiate legislation or support legislation that threatens your freedom of religion
or threatens to remove any reference to God in any way.
(6) Make a list of all contact addresses and phone numbers of your governmental officials, to
to make contact with them easy, fast, and convenient.
(7) Contact your senators and members of congress about every concern you have about a
threat to freedom of religion in America.
(8) Maintain a list of names of everyone you hear about or read about on television who
threatens freedom of religion in America, in order to ascertain their affiliation with
individuals and/or groups (ACLU, for example) in order to ascertain the motive behind
their threats against Christians and against freedom of religion. Boycott the businesses of
anyone on the list (Wal*Mart, Target, Ford Motors, etc.) to express your disapproval of
actions they take that threaten freedom of religion in America (replacing "Merry
Christmas" with "Happy Holidays" in places of business, for example).
(9) Contact talk show hosts and others on radio and television who support Christanity.
(10) Support your local church with attendance, tithes, and donations.

I will try to make this blog site as informative, interesting, and entertaining as possible. I welcome comments.

God bless you.

Allen Ball
La Grange, North Carolina

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