Thursday, June 3, 2010


I was spoon-feeding my Mom oatmeal, at 5:15am this morning (Thursday, June 3, 2010, she has cancer), when I had an epiphany: some young people love and support Obama, still, although he's surrounded himself with communists and socialists, because they're stupid. [I know they're not stupid; they're just ignorant. They don't care enough about some important things enough to become involved and educated about them.] They're all "Jay Walkers" who don't know what a cockamamie commie or socialist is. But they do know, you can bet your cucarachas, the lyrics to every song by Lady Gaga. The thing I don't understand is why intelligent people still love and admire him.

Why is it okay with these people to have a communist as a czar in the United States government? Why is it okay that everyone in Obama's adminstration is a socialist? Why is it okay that Obama is at odds with the majority of America people on virtually every major issue in the country? The only two answers I have is that they feel the same as he does on all the issues: they are philosophically aligned. The other answer is that Obama's admirers are too naive to entertain the possibility that he is capable of attempting to overthrow the government of the United States.
Obama lives by Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals the way Christians live by the Holy Bible. Anyone who disagrees has not examined the life of Barack Obama or paid attention to his actions, words, or behavior.

Get on board the "What's Happenin'" train, young people, and save America, before its too late. God bless those of you who work hard, study hard, volunteer for charity work, honor your Mother and Father, treat everyone with respect, for you will be the ones who restore the United States to its former glory and eminence. Not Lady Gaga, Matt Damon, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Michael Jordan, or Tiger Woods. You will be the will be the ones.

Liberal Groups Want FCC to Police Rush Limbaugh, Talk Radio, Cable News

Liberal Groups Want FCC to Police Rush Limbaugh, Talk Radio, Cable News

A coalition of more than 30 mostly liberal organizations has sent a letter to the Federal Communications Commission urging the agency to monitor “hate speech” on talk radio and cable news networks.

I saw a movie last week, starring Mel Gibson and Robert Downey, Jr. Downey's character criticized Gibson's character, for being uncharacteristic, as a Buddhist. To which Gibson's character replied: "I never said I was a good Buddhist". I'm a Christian, but let me preface the following, by saying, I never said I was a good Christian. It's difficult for me not to call Obama, his czars, the liberal media, and some actors in Hollywood, the names I'd like to call them, just for the biological pleasure of doing so. The Lord lost His temper in the temple, so maybe He, having experienced the feeling that provoked His anger, will have mercy on me, in mine. I'll ask His forgiveness later. As you read the letter below, just remember: I'm a Christian, but I never said I was a good Christian.

The following is a letter I e-mailed to the FCC.

Don't let Obama put your a-- in a sling. If Limbaugh and talk shows limited in speech, someday the streets will be covered in blood. Americans will take only so much of Obama's arrogance and strong-arming. If you limit the speech of Limbaugh, you'd d--- well better take Jon Stewart, David Letterman, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Hollywood, most comedians, MSNBC, Chris Matthews, Matt Damon, most atheists, illegal aliens demonstrating against Arizona, Bill Maher (Christian-hater), idiots in the pop music industry, and many others, with him. Those are the sources of most hate speech.

I worked in radio in the '60s; and I respected the FCC for it's discipline in forbidding profanity on our nations air waves. I respected its integrity. I hope you do nothing to alter my opinion of your venerated institution.

Obama is not a God. His ineptitube as a leader becomes more apparent every day. Do not allow yourselves to be in awe of this man. Someone once said, concerning Christians, that if you are an idiot, and you become "saved", you're just a "saved idiot". It's the same with the presidency: If you're an idiot, and you become President of the United States, you're just an idiot President of the United States.

Citizens will not stand for suppression of free speech!!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


My dad told me this true story that took place in the Forties...

My dad, Allen James “Jay” Ball, was in Lovick’s Cafe, in Kinston, sitting at the front counter. A man walked in and sat down close to my dad at the counter. The man behind the counter said: “Can I help you? The man replied, gruffly: “Give me a sandwich.” The man behind the counter said: “What kind of sandwich?” The man replied: “I don’t care--just fix me a sandwich.” So the guy fixed him a sandwich. When he placed it on the counter, the customer said, rudely: “I don’t want that sandwich.”

All the while this conversation was taking place, my dad was taking it in. He interrupted saying: “You ordered that sandwich now you eat it.” The man said: “Whata ya mean?” My dad, pretty upset by the man’s rude behavior said: “I said, you told the man that you wanted a sandwich and you didn’t care what kind of sandwich, so now; you eat it!”

The man, figuring my dad was serious, picked up his sandwich, moving further down the counter next to another man. He looked at the guy, sitting there quietly, and said: “I’m gonna have ta whip his a-- before I leave here.” The man said calmly: “You mean that man right there?” nodding towards my dad. The troublemaker said: “Yeah.” The quiet onlooker hauled off, and without any warning, punched the guy right in the face, knocking him onto the floor of Lovick’s Cafe.

The man didn’t know it, but the guy he’d been grumbling to, about my dad, saying he was going to have to “whip his a--”--was my dad’s brother--my Uncle “D.J.”

At a church service, in Kinston, North Carolina, in the ‘70s, a prominent church member stood up, announcing to the preacher and the congregation, The Lord told me that the church needs to pray for brother “so-and-so.” A lady quickly spoke up, saying to the prominent church member: “Brother “so-and-so” is dead.”

Wanting to acknowledge visitors at his church, in Kinston, North Carolina, the preacher addressed them saying: “Will the two ladies with Harry Butz please stand up?”

Monday, May 24, 2010


I've never, in my lifetime, seen anyone treated as cruelly as Sarah Palin, in America. The fact that Palin is an evangelical Christian, an accomplished public servant, a good mother, and good wife, makes the hatred of her critics all the more horrific, shameful, and perplexing. The America I grew up in, in the 1950s and 1960s, no longer exists. Common sense, integrity, and morality are no longer popular concepts among many Americans.

When I was a boy, It was not okay for a young girl to lift her t-shirt to partially expose her breasts on national TV. It was not okay for a President of the U.S. to behave like a dictator.

Hollywood is mad, as in certifiable. From a headline: May 17, 2010 | 1:06 PM ET
Woody Allen says President Obama should be granted dictatorial powers (seriously)! Once, there was no more ardent fan of Woody Allen than I, but then some of his movies became sexually deviant. Then he took nude photos of his lover, Mia Farrow's, adopted daughter and subsequently married her. The lack of integrity in Hollywood is surpassed only by its narcissism and inflated sense of self-importance and relevance.

We are travelling down a dangerous road my friends. A nation so divided cannot long reign as a super power. A nation with no moral absolutes is destined to wind up on the trash heap of former nations of glory and power.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Obama--What a Pal!

By Allen Ball

April 05, 2010

My mother has cancer. She'll be 83 on May 14th this year. The prognosis was "six months to live"---ten months ago. As soon as Obama's health care plan was passed the Obama government cancelled my Mother's Medicaid. Did you get that?

As soon as Obama's health care plan was passed the Obama government cancelled my Mother's Medicaid.

Coincidence? My Mother had Medicaid for 21 years!

She still had it for two years, while receiving VA assistance, under the heading of Widow's Death Benefit.

My Mother loves America. Four of her brothers served in the military, during World War II, as did my Dad., Her sons---my brother and I---served in the army, during the Vietnam war years.

My mother always had faith in America. She loves this country. She was sweating in a shirt factory in 1944, at age 17---paying taxes on her income---17 years before Obama was born, in 1961. A pastor once told my Mother that she was the most faithful tithe-er he'd ever seen. On a fixed, low income, my Mom and Dad sent two hundred dollars to victims of Hurricane Andrew, in 1992.

Mom now weighs 95 pounds and looks like a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp. She's flown the American flag on her front porch for as long as I can remember. The same flag Mr. Obama, once refused to wear on a pin, on his lapel.

Where's the hope and good times Mr. Obama promised my Mother? She never received the $250 social security payment he promised her, after it was announced that Americans on social security, would receive no cost-of-living adjustment this year. That would have been a big help to her, considering her utility bill generally runs over $230 every month. It ran over $400 one summer. She only receives $665 a month from social security.

About a year after Dad died, on July 10, 2008, Veteran Administration checks, to my Mom, in the amount of $350, began. The Obama administration believes that my Mother should not receive both the Widow's Benefit and Medicaid. The majority of American's who opposed the democrats' health care plan have feared, for a while, that this kind of thing would begin to happen.

While serving in the Navy, during World War II, the ship on which my Dad served ran out of everything to eat, except for ham. He and his mates ate ham morning, noon, and night---for, I believe it was, three months. I never knew, until years later, why my Dad often regurgitated his food, after meals----up to fifteen years after he left the Navy. The government rewarded my Dad $10 a month for that disability.

This is not your Mother and Dad's America. It's not your grandparent's America, or your great-grandparent's America. It is your America! The America voted for by your neighbors in unearned, blind allegiance to a well-spoken stranger, who seems to be totally at a loss as to how to govern America.

What a sad state of affairs when a nation elects the most powerful man on earth into office based on his boyish looks, charm, and oratorical skills, rather than say---an aptitude for governing.