Monday, May 24, 2010


I've never, in my lifetime, seen anyone treated as cruelly as Sarah Palin, in America. The fact that Palin is an evangelical Christian, an accomplished public servant, a good mother, and good wife, makes the hatred of her critics all the more horrific, shameful, and perplexing. The America I grew up in, in the 1950s and 1960s, no longer exists. Common sense, integrity, and morality are no longer popular concepts among many Americans.

When I was a boy, It was not okay for a young girl to lift her t-shirt to partially expose her breasts on national TV. It was not okay for a President of the U.S. to behave like a dictator.

Hollywood is mad, as in certifiable. From a headline: May 17, 2010 | 1:06 PM ET
Woody Allen says President Obama should be granted dictatorial powers (seriously)! Once, there was no more ardent fan of Woody Allen than I, but then some of his movies became sexually deviant. Then he took nude photos of his lover, Mia Farrow's, adopted daughter and subsequently married her. The lack of integrity in Hollywood is surpassed only by its narcissism and inflated sense of self-importance and relevance.

We are travelling down a dangerous road my friends. A nation so divided cannot long reign as a super power. A nation with no moral absolutes is destined to wind up on the trash heap of former nations of glory and power.

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