Saturday, May 1, 2010


By Allen Ball

April 18, 2010

From now on, many of my columns will be about how God-fearing Christians can restore America to its former pre-1960s configuration. We can grow a nation of God-fearing, God-loving children to fill the halls of Congress, to fill the halls of universities, to fill the check out lines at Wal*Mart, K Mart, and the seats of every movie theatre and sports arena, from North Dakota to Texas, from California to North Carolina.

If I live to be 82, I could see that dream fulfilled. If you're 82 or younger, you could see that dream fulfilled.

Aren't you fed up with rude, insensitive, overbearing, and down right hateful people? I am. Real Christians---real Christians don't behave that way.

All I've heard all week, from the liberal media, is that tea party people are the scum of the earth…they're stupid hicks…they're evil…they're hateful. Of course the liberal media are without blemish or sin. Read on to see what anti-Christian, anti-humanity things occurred within the last few days.

A frustrated mother called Rush Limbaugh on his radio show this week. She called to tell Rush that her young son called her, that same day, from school, to say that his teacher told the classroom of children that "old people" are the problem with the world. This fountain of wisdom went on to say that the world would a good place if all the old people were dead. That kind of thinking---demonizing a group of people and wanting them dead---is reminiscent of------who else? Adolph Hitler.

A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional Thursday, April 8, 2010, saying the day amounts to a call for religious action. This comes about a week after our commander-in-chief declared that he and his wife would not attend public church services. Ironically, he finds no problem attending black churches, giving his best imitation of idiomatic ghetto-speak, when he's pushing his agenda.

Police in Guatemala say a 13-year-old boy has confessed to shooting a woman to death for a payment of about $12.50. The National Police say the suspect was carrying the fatal gun when arrested. Spokesman Donald Gonzalez says the boy told police he was paid to shoot the woman as she took her two children to school on the outskirts of Guatemala City.

Twenty-some states still legally practice corporal punishment in America. A school teacher, interviewed on Fox News Network, said that he paddles disobedient students. A representative for the A.C.L.U. expressed its disapproval of corporal punishment in schools, citing non-specific, unverified injuries of students in the past. What about teachers who've been assaulted in schools and beaten by unruly, hateful students? Many years ago I saw a teacher interviewed on, I believe, "60 Minutes". He could not talk about his experience of being severely beaten by a student, without having, as he put it, "a halting speech pattern".

Jon Stewart, comedian, on Comedy Channel, spoke ill of everyone on Fox News Network, this week. He looked straight into the camera and said: "F--- 'em".

Christians, due to indifference or due to scripture, remain passive in the face of the onslaught of attacks on Christians and Christianity and the population, in general.

Obama, following the instructions of Communist/Marxist, Saul Alinsky, says we must have a civilian army as big and powerful, and well-funded, as our military forces. [Who does he plan to go to war with?] Well, we good Christians already have an army. The problem is we don't counter the attacks of Christian-hating atheists in America. And believe me, I know that not all atheists hate Christians. We are too passive. We sit around and complain about the incremental deconstruction of the rights of Christians in America, but never raise a hand to do anything about it.

Well, there is one thing you can do about it. You can raise your children to believe in and adhere to biblical injunctions and principles that have provided stability in our homeland these many years. Have lots of children to take care of you in your old age, who'll mourn your passing when the time comes, who'll keep Christianity alive in America. In twenty years, we could have an even greater army of Christians to battle the evil in the world.

The following is an excerpt from Tempest at Dawn, by James D. Best, which I am reading, at his request, to provide a review of the book, which I already find fascinating, enlightening, and entertaining:

Dr. John Witherspoon: an old teacher of James Madison.

James Madison: One of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

"John, the government must remain secular," Madison said, exasperated. "You're wrong. The government must not force a particular religion on any one, but it must never interfere with the free expression of faith." Witherspoon reached out and touched Madison's forearm. "James, a government can never be secular when filled with God-fearing men."

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