Thursday, June 3, 2010


I was spoon-feeding my Mom oatmeal, at 5:15am this morning (Thursday, June 3, 2010, she has cancer), when I had an epiphany: some young people love and support Obama, still, although he's surrounded himself with communists and socialists, because they're stupid. [I know they're not stupid; they're just ignorant. They don't care enough about some important things enough to become involved and educated about them.] They're all "Jay Walkers" who don't know what a cockamamie commie or socialist is. But they do know, you can bet your cucarachas, the lyrics to every song by Lady Gaga. The thing I don't understand is why intelligent people still love and admire him.

Why is it okay with these people to have a communist as a czar in the United States government? Why is it okay that everyone in Obama's adminstration is a socialist? Why is it okay that Obama is at odds with the majority of America people on virtually every major issue in the country? The only two answers I have is that they feel the same as he does on all the issues: they are philosophically aligned. The other answer is that Obama's admirers are too naive to entertain the possibility that he is capable of attempting to overthrow the government of the United States.
Obama lives by Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals the way Christians live by the Holy Bible. Anyone who disagrees has not examined the life of Barack Obama or paid attention to his actions, words, or behavior.

Get on board the "What's Happenin'" train, young people, and save America, before its too late. God bless those of you who work hard, study hard, volunteer for charity work, honor your Mother and Father, treat everyone with respect, for you will be the ones who restore the United States to its former glory and eminence. Not Lady Gaga, Matt Damon, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Michael Jordan, or Tiger Woods. You will be the will be the ones.

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